Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Be vewee vewee qwiet

Today we kept telling our kids to go play outside. The weather was very nice and they hadn't been outdoors for a few days. They went outside for a few minutes then decided it was boring and came back inside. In trying to get them to go back outside I started suggesting things they could do so it wouldn't be so boring out in the wilderness that is our backyard. Nothing interested them until I suggested they build a rabbit trap.

After carefully designing a trap using purple marker and scraping together some building materials, the kids produced the following wabbit trap:
The trap consists of a White Cloud Value Pack diaper box filled with baby carrots. From the trap's designer himself: "The ribbons are so the rabbits can make it tip over on them. The line of carrots outside the box are so the rabbits can follow them and find the string and make it tip over. After they eat all the carrots the rabbit will get fat enough that he won't be able to escape the box. And that's it." Well, there you have it folks, a homemade wabbit trap.

Below you'll see how well this went. You can click on the pictures to see a larger image.

First, the trap was set.

With the trap set, it was time to hide...

And wait for the wabbit to fall in the trap. Maybe our unwanted guest will take the rabbits out first. Only time, and carrots, will tell.


Tori :) said...

How stinkin' cute is that?? And what beautiful children. They must have a beautiful aunt...
Hope they can catch the pesky wabbit!!

~j. said...

I love the hiding-behind-the-trees. Such a serious matter.